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Friday, October 21, 2011

GSA more important than ever - don't wait - now is the time!

Welcome to all... To the Premier Blog for the most boring of subjects: Federal Government Contracting. The good news is that you will find nuggets of information that you can trade in for payments from the government. Hey, send me a question or two and I'll have more fun blogging! GB. Fall, 2011

GSA is getting even more popular with state and local governments who can take advantage of Cooperative Purchasing from GSA schedule holders. Several GSA contracting officers have told me how busy things are getting. The fact is, our government will never stop buying, and GSA provides a way to manage spending by qualifying vendors in terms of stability, capability, and financial strength.

Are you waiting until the new year or the first quarter of next year? Consider this, many other companies will also send in offers at that time and you will be later on the list.

Another important point is that if you file this year, you can use last year's financials. It will be a scramble for you to determine 2011 financials just after the first of the new year. Finally, if your goals are to get on schedule by the end of First Quarter 2012, get the offer in now.

GSA is not for everyone, but if you are ready to play in the majors, consider getting that offer in to GSA as soon as possible. Get in line now, and save yourself months of waiting next year. I have seen a big increase in Schedule 70 (IT Services and Products), Schedule 871 (Professional Services), and Schedule 84 (Law Enforcement Services and Products). If you offer these services and/or products, the sooner you get that GSA contract the better.

And don't forget GM Beckert will help you with marketing, pricing, and negotiations... and we stay with you after contract award.

Stay tuned for more valuable "Information you can use today". Best to all! GB